Our Curriculum
At Chapel End Primary School, we aim to provide a curriculum that stimulates our children's curiosity and interest in the world around them. We endeavour to build upon our children’s sense of belonging in our village community by providing experiences that connect us with local people and places. Our curriculum is designed to expand on this sense of belonging and teaches our children about nearby towns and cities such as St Helens, Liverpool and Manchester. It is our intention to provide many opportunities for our children to learn about life in the wider world and instil the values of respect and tolerance for world-wide cultures, religions, beliefs and ways of life. The expansive grounds at Chapel End Primary, enable us to provide children with opportunities to learn outside of the classroom. We aspire to use our rural setting to develop a love of the outdoors. Our ambition is to provide our children with a broad range of learning experiences so that they can cultivate personalised aspirations about who they want to be and what they want to do in later life.
Our approach to the curriculum intends to teach life skills so that our children leave us as responsible, caring and empathetic global citizens. Through the delivery of this curriculum, we aim to develop children’s independence and resilience so that they have the skills to continue learning as they grow older.
In line with the Equality Act 2010 and Special Educational Needs and Disabilitiy Regulations 2014, our curriculum is accessible to all.
We will do the best WE can to enable our children to do the best THEY can.